

慧聪商业展示网 https://dj.hczyw.com 2022-07-21 08:38 出处:网络 作者:Yan CHOI编辑:@Yan CHOI
Yan CHOI  WOW…NUT 合桃品牌创新策略 | 创意总监兼合伙⼈  Shop! 国际零售营销⼴告协会 | ⾸席创新官 



WOW…NUT 合桃品牌创新策略 | 创意总监兼合伙⼈ 

Shop! 国际零售营销⼴告协会 | ⾸席创新官 

Yan CHOI  在零售设计⾏业⽅⾯拥有超过 10 年的经验。 

Yan CHOI 曾在亚洲管理过多个标志性的零售项⽬,例如香港崇光百货改造项⽬ 、Starbucks 星巴克旗舰店(天津)的设计项⽬、Nike HOI 旗舰店 (上海)的设计项⽬以及 Nike RISE 旗舰店 (⼴洲)的设计项⽬。 曾任Malherbe、Ippolito Fleitz Group、Starbucks及Nike的设计师,对零售⼼理学及消费 者体验有独到的⻅解。

Yan CHOI在零售空间规划项⽬经验丰富,从概念设计、设计开发到执⾏, 都能全⽅位的为客户解决问题。 她认为设计可以帮助我们参与其中,并使我们与世界保持联系。她在DeTour 2011展示了 她的环保装置艺术-赋予玻璃⽣命,玻璃赋予⽣命。 

WOW…NUT Design & Strategy Consultancy | Partner and Executive Creative Director 

Shop! Association Greater China | Chief Innovation Officer

 She has over 10 years of experience in interior design and consulting across retail and food & beverage sectors. 

She has managed over several iconic retail projects all over Asia, such as remodelling of Sogo Department Store in Hong Kong, design of the first Starbucks Flagship Store design in Tianjin, China as well as the only Nike House of Innovation 001 Flagship Store in Shanghai and Nike Rise Flagship Store in Mainland Guangzhou. 

She was the Design Manager at Brand Design Retail of Nike Greater China & Starbucks Greater China. Before joining Nike and Starbucks, she was also the Lead Designer at 2 well-known European design agencies, Malherbe Design (Paris) & Ippolito Fleitz Group -Identity Architects (Stuttgart). 

She exhibited her original installation art – “Give Glass Life, Glass Gives Life” at DeTour in 2011. What she believes is that design helps us engage and keeps us delicately connected with the world. 
